Microsoft Partners: Bing Chat has been using GPT4 all along!

Here’s the big news for Microsoft Partners and Bing enthusiasts: Bing Chat, Microsoft’s AI chatbot, has been secretly utilizing GPT-4 since its launch!

Stephen Reilly
5 MIN|March 15, 2023

The anticipation surrounding Bing Chat GPT-4 has been nothing short of astounding. It's been one of the most eagerly awaited developments in the world of artificial intelligence (AI). So, the big question is: what exactly is Bing Chat GPT-4, and what does it mean for businesses and individuals alike?

Well, to begin with, GPT-4 is the latest iteration of OpenAI's generative pre-trained transformer language model. It's a powerful AI tool that offers more advanced natural language processing capabilities than its predecessor, GPT-3. The hype has been incredible, and expectations are sky-high.

How does GPT4 differ from GPT3?

How does GPT4 differ from GTP3? It gets technical fast, but if you are following the space let me break it down for you:

  • Architecture: Bing Chat GPT-4 uses a more advanced and refined neural network architecture compared to GPT-3, allowing for better performance and language understanding.
  • Training data: Bing Chat GPT-4 is trained on a larger and more diverse dataset, resulting in a broader knowledge base and improved language generation capabilities.
  • Context understanding: Bing Chat GPT-4 demonstrates improved context understanding, allowing it to better comprehend and respond to user inputs, even in complex or multi-turn conversations.
  • Response consistency: Bing Chat GPT-4 exhibits enhanced consistency in its responses, reducing instances of contradictory or incoherent answers.
  • Few-shot learning: Bing Chat GPT-4 is expected to perform better in few-shot learning tasks, requiring fewer examples to understand and complete user requests.
  • Safety mitigations: Bing Chat GPT-4 likely incorporates more advanced safety measures to reduce harmful or untruthful outputs and improve the overall user experience.

Bing Chat uses GPT4!

But here's the big news for Microsoft Partner Bing enthusiasts (niche maybe!): Bing Chat, Microsoft's AI chatbot, has been secretly utilizing GPT-4 since its launch! Microsoft only announced the integration of GPT-4 into Bing Chat yesterday, and this revelation has undoubtedly sent ripples through the industry. What's even more intriguing is that Bing Chat is connected to the web, which has always been its major selling point.

This combination of GPT-4 and web connectivity means that, unbeknownst to many, we've had a much more powerful AI tool at our disposal all along. The fusion of GPT-4's advanced language processing capabilities with Bing Chat's access to the vast information available on the internet has unlocked an entirely new world of possibilities and opportunities for businesses. Now, more than ever, companies can leverage AI to communicate with their customers more effectively, efficiently, and intelligently.

If you're short on time and can only take away three key points from this blog, make sure it's these:

  1. Microsoft is undoubtedly leading the AI race. They have invested in OpenAI, were the first to access GPT-4, and have integrated it into Bing Chat. This places Microsoft in a prime position to shape the future of AI-powered communication and business solutions.
  2. Bing Chat's connection to the internet is a game-changer. Unlike previous ChatGPT models, Bing Chat can access and utilize information from the web, making it a more powerful and versatile tool.
  3. Microsoft Partners now have a distinct advantage when it comes to engaging with their customers. With access to advanced AI tools like GPT-4 and Bing Chat, they can provide personalized, efficient, and more human-like interactions that make customers feel understood and valued.

A deeper dive

Now, let's dive deeper into these points and explore the implications for businesses and marketers.

Microsoft's AI Dominance

It's clear that Microsoft is ahead of the curve when it comes to AI. Their investment in OpenAI and early access to GPT-4 demonstrates their commitment to staying at the cutting edge of this rapidly evolving technology. This positions Microsoft as a key player in the AI landscape, and it's exciting to think about what they might come up with next.

In contrast, Google has yet to launch their own chat assistant (though they did have an update on AI in their Workspace platform yesterday). This lag may well give Microsoft a significant head start in the AI race, allowing them to shape the future of AI-driven solutions in ways that could leave competitors struggling to catch up.

Bing Chat: Connected and Powerful

The fact that Bing Chat is connected to the internet is a massive step up from previous ChatGPT iterations.

If I ask Bing Chat itself what this means, it tells me:

"Hello, this is Bing. I can learn from the web by using AI to generate answers, summaries, content, and more based on your queries and the web pages you are viewing. 😊"

Feels a bit vague. If I push it a bit harder, I get:

"Yes, Bing Chat uses live internet data to train its model. According to Microsoft, Bing Chat uses a technology called Prometheus that combines the Bing index, ranking, and answers search results with OpenAI’s GPT models. This makes the ChatGPT models have fresher, almost real-time, content and data to use for its training models."

So yes! But what is for sure, Microsoft is at the forefront of AI innovation, pushing the boundaries of what AI can achieve in communication and problem-solving.

This connectivity allows Bing Chat to harness the wealth of information available online and use it to generate more accurate and relevant responses. As we await the arrival of WebGPT (OpenAI's own Internet-connected version of ChatGPT), it's evident that Microsoft is already making significant strides in AI innovation.

An Edge for Microsoft Partners

For Microsoft Partners, the integration of GPT-4 into Bing Chat presents a unique opportunity to enhance customer interactions. By leveraging the power of advanced AI, Microsoft partners can offer a more personalized, efficient, and human-like communication experience. This, in turn, can help build trust, loyalty, and satisfaction among customers.

You want some tips, don’t you? Ok, here we go

  1. Personalized Recommendations: By using AI-powered tools like Bing Chat, Microsoft Partner's can use Bing Chat and similar tools to analyze customers' unique needs, preferences, and concerns. This analysis allows them to offer tailored advice on how modern working, digital transformation, and cloud technologies can best benefit each customer's specific situation.
  2. Efficient Customer Support: AI-driven chatbots can handle a large volume of customer queries quickly and efficiently. By addressing common questions and concerns related to modern working, digital transformation, and the cloud, chatbots free up human staff to focus on more complex or sensitive issues, ensuring customers receive comprehensive and timely support.
  3. Proactive Communication: AI can help Microsoft Partners identify trends and patterns in customer behavior, enabling them to anticipate and address potential concerns or challenges before they become problematic. By proactively communicating with customers about relevant topics, partners can help customers make informed decisions and smoothly navigate their digital transformation journey.
  4. Educational Content: AI can assist in the creation and curation of targeted educational content that addresses customer pain points and interests. By providing insightful resources on modern working, digital transformation, and cloud adoption, Microsoft Partners can use tools like Bing Chat can establish themselves as trusted advisors and thought leaders in the industry.

In summary, Microsoft Partner companies can leverage AI to enhance their communication with customers about modern working, digital transformation, and cloud adoption. By offering personalized recommendations, providing efficient support, proactively addressing concerns, and delivering targeted educational content, Microsoft Partners can guide their customers through a successful digital transformation journey.

Want a bit more background reading?

We did a deep dive on this topic a few weeks back. Right after Micrsoft invested $10 billion in ChatGPT creator OpenAI. Whilst this strengthens Microsoft’s position in the AI space, it will also impact their Microsoft Partner Network. Find out how.