Are you ready for the B2B digital marketing trends 2024?

Digital marketing is a constantly shifting landscape, and nowhere is this more apparent than in the B2B sector. As technology continues to evolve at an incredible pace, marketers must stay abreast of the latest trends, tools, and strategies to connect with their audiences effectively.

Chris Wright
10 MIN|August 22, 2023
Fifty-Five and five Trends blogs

As we approach 2024, what will be the game-changers in B2B digital marketing? How can businesses harness cutting-edge strategies to stay ahead of their competitors?

Get your crystal ball ready, because we're about to embark on an exploration of the top 10 B2B digital marketing trends in 2024 that will redefine the industry. From AI-driven personalisation to immersive virtual reality experiences, these trends are not mere predictions; they are shaping the present and are here to stay.

Hand holding a pyramid, looking at the future of b2b tech landscape.

1. AI-driven personalisation for B2B

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is transforming the B2B marketing landscape, with practical applications that create value and impact. Its power to deliver personalised experiences is reshaping the way businesses connect with their audiences.

Predictive analysis

AI's predictive analysis is an exciting application in B2B marketing is. By analysing past interactions, purchases, and behaviours, AI can anticipate a client's needs and interests. Imagine knowing what your client needs before they even realise it themselves. Predictive analysis can guide your marketing strategies, allowing you to suggest products or services that align with a client's specific interests, creating a tailored experience that resonates.

Enhance customer interactions

Alongside predictive analysis, AI-driven chatbots and virtual assistants are enhancing customer interactions. These intelligent tools can engage potential clients with immediate, personalised responses. A chatbot can guide a client through product options based on their needs and budget, offering a level of personalisation previously only achievable through human interaction. It's like having a knowledgeable sales representative available 24/7, ready to assist and engage.

Personalised content recommendations

AI's ability to assess user interactions with your content enables personalised content recommendations. By suggesting related articles, webinars, or product demonstrations that align with a user's interests, AI ensures that each touchpoint is engaging and highly relevant. This approach makes every interaction count, building a relationship through content that speaks directly to the user's needs and preferences.

Redefining customer engagement

The integration of AI into Customer Relationship Management (CRM) systems is redefining customer engagement and support. AI can provide insights into customer satisfaction, potential churn, and opportunities for growth. By analysing feedback and support interactions, AI can identify clients at risk, allowing your team to intervene with personalised offers or support. It's a proactive approach that turns data into actionable insights, keeping your clients engaged and satisfied.


There are many applications of AI but here's how we are using AI in marketing to drive our clients' growth.

2. Voice search optimisation: The B2B perspective

Voice search is emerging as a vital component in the B2B marketing toolkit. As voice-enabled devices and virtual assistants become more prevalent, the way people search for information is evolving. In the B2B sector, where decision-makers are often on the go, the convenience of voice search is increasingly appealing.

The challenge and opportunity for B2B marketers lie in understanding and adapting to this new search paradigm. Unlike traditional text-based searches, voice queries are often more conversational and specific. People tend to speak in full sentences, asking questions as they would in a natural conversation. This shift requires a fresh approach to content optimisation.

Consider a B2B tech company offering cloud computing solutions. A traditional text search might be a short query like "cloud services for businesses." In contrast, a voice search might be a detailed question: "What are the best cloud computing solutions for small to medium-sized enterprises?" This nuanced difference requires content that answers specific questions, using natural language that reflects the way people speak.

Audio waves in orange for voice search, a trend in digital marketing 2024.

Optimising content for voice search is not merely about targeting keywords then; it's about understanding the user's intent and providing clear, concise answers. For B2B marketers, this might involve creating FAQ sections that address frequent questions or developing blog posts that explore specific topics in depth. It's about aligning your content with the questions your potential clients are asking.

One practical strategy is to engage with your sales and customer support teams to understand the questions and concerns they frequently encounter. By integrating these insights into your content, you align with the real-world queries your audience is likely to voice search.

3. Immersive experiences: AR and VR in B2B marketing

Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR) are no longer confined to the realms of gaming and entertainment. These technologies are making their way into B2B marketing, offering immersive experiences that captivate audiences like never before. In the competitive B2B landscape, the ability to engage clients through unique, interactive experiences can set you apart.

AR and VR present opportunities to enhance product demonstrations, training, and customer engagement. Consider the following applications:

  • Virtual Product Demos: For a B2B tech company, VR can create a virtual environment where clients can explore a product in detail, such as a software interface or a piece of hardware. It's an experience that transcends traditional brochures or videos, allowing clients to interact and engage with the product.
  • Augmented Reality Training: AR can be used to overlay digital information on physical objects, providing real-time guidance and support. Imagine a manufacturing company using AR to guide technicians through complex machinery maintenance, enhancing efficiency and accuracy.

However, implementing AR and VR in B2B marketing is not merely about the technology itself; it's about understanding your audience and how these tools can enrich their experience with your brand. The success of an AR or VR campaign hinges on how well it aligns with your clients' needs and interests.

4. The evolution of video marketing for B2B

Video content continues to dominate the digital landscape, and in the B2B tech sector, it offers a powerful medium for conveying complex information in an engaging and understandable way. As we approach 2024, innovative video strategies are emerging that go beyond traditional promotional videos, creating connections and driving engagement like never before.

  • Live Streaming for Events and Product Launches: Live streaming is bringing the excitement of live events to a broader online audience. A tech company launching a new software platform could live-stream the launch event, including live demonstrations, Q&A sessions with the developers, and real-time interaction with online viewers. This immersive experience makes the audience feel part of the event, creating a sense of community and engagement.
  • 360-Degree Videos for Virtual Tours: For a B2B company offering data centre services, a 360-degree video tour of their state-of-the-art facility can provide potential clients with a comprehensive view of the infrastructure, security measures, and technology in place. It's a transparent and innovative way to showcase the company's capabilities, turning a traditional site visit into a virtual exploration accessible from anywhere in the world.

5. The growth of influencer marketing in B2B

Influencer marketing is finding its rightful place in the B2B landscape. The evolution of influencer marketing in the B2B sector reflects a shift towards authenticity, credibility, and targeted reach. As we move towards 2024, this approach is becoming more nuanced and sophisticated, focusing not just on celebrity influencers but also on micro and even nano-influencers who have a more specific and engaged following.

In the B2B tech space, influencers might be industry experts, thought leaders, or professionals who have earned respect and trust within a particular niche. Collaborating with these influencers allows companies to tap into existing communities and engage with audiences in a more authentic and meaningful way.

The key to successful influencer marketing in the B2B space is alignment: identifying influencers whose values, expertise, and audience align with your brand and your target clients. This synergy creates a more genuine connection, as the influencer's endorsement comes from a place of understanding and belief in your products or services.

The evolution of influencer marketing also reflects a broader shift towards community and relationship-building: in a world where trust is paramount, influencer marketing offers a way for B2B companies to connect with their audiences through voices they respect and relate to.


Microsoft MVPs are great influencers that can enhance your business's visibility, credibility and access to audience. Learn more.

6. Privacy-focused marketing

In an age of data breaches and privacy concerns, B2B tech companies must prioritize transparent and ethical data practices. In 2024 more than ever, companies need to update their governance and process around:

  • Secure Data Handling: Emphasize its commitment to data privacy by implementing robust encryption methods and clear compliance with international privacy regulations.
  • Transparent Privacy Policies: Provide detailed privacy policies, transparently explaining how client information is used and protected. Transparency in data handling builds trust and demonstrates a commitment to ethical business practices.

7. Shoppable social media

The convergence of social media and e-commerce is revolutionising the way B2B tech companies connect with their clients. The integration of e-commerce features into social media platforms represents a strategic alignment that streamlines the buying process in B2B, creating new opportunities for engagement and sales.

The final objective is to offer a cohesive customer journey that aligns with modern buying behaviours:

  • Enhanced Customer Experience: Shoppable social media offers an enhanced customer experience by simplifying the purchasing process. A potential client browsing social media can instantly act upon their interest without the need to navigate to a separate website. This convenience can enhance satisfaction and increase conversion rates.
  • Data-Driven Insights: By integrating e-commerce within social media, B2B companies can gather valuable insights into customer behaviour, preferences, and trends. Understanding which products are attracting interest or generating sales on social platforms can inform marketing strategies, product development, and targeted promotions.
  • Building Community and Engagement: Shoppable social media also presents an opportunity to build community and foster engagement. By encouraging direct interaction within the platform, businesses can nurture relationships, respond to queries, and engage with clients in a more dynamic and personal way.
  • Aligning with B2B Buyer Expectations: Modern B2B buyers expect convenience, efficiency, and responsiveness. Shoppable social media caters to these expectations by offering a streamlined, accessible, and engaging path to purchase.

8. Content marketing diversification

In the rapidly evolving B2B tech sector, one-size-fits-all content strategies are becoming a thing of the past. Content marketing diversification is emerging as a crucial approach, reflecting a nuanced understanding of the varied and specific needs of the B2B audience.

But with content marketing diversification in B2B tech, we mean both the type of content, the delivery channels and the formats. Live Q&A sessions hosted on social media platforms, webinars featuring guest experts, podcasts exploring industry trends, and interactive online workshops are all examples of diversified content strategies that cater to different preferences and learning styles.

What makes content diversification so vital in the B2B tech sector is its alignment with the complex buying journey. B2B clients often require varied information at different stages of the decision-making process. By offering diverse content that educates, informs, engages, and inspires, B2B tech companies can guide potential clients through this journey, building trust and credibility along the way.

Content marketing diversification also fosters a sense of community and ongoing engagement. It creates a content ecosystem where clients can find relevant insights, ask questions, share experiences, and connect with industry peers. It turns content from a mere marketing tool into a platform for dialogue and collaboration.

9. Sustainability and ethical marketing

In 2024, sustainability and ethical practices will no longer be optional, they will be essential components of brand identity and business strategy, especially in the B2B tech industry.

The increasing consciousness about environmental responsibility and social impact is reshaping the way B2B tech companies market themselves and their products. Clients, partners, and stakeholders want to align with companies that reflect their values and demonstrate a commitment to responsible business practices.

However, sustainability and ethical marketing in B2B tech go beyond environmental considerations. It encompasses a broader commitment to social responsibility, transparency, and integrity.

This alignment with sustainability and ethics has tangible benefits. It enhances brand image, builds trust, and can even influence purchasing decisions. In a market where similar tech solutions might be available from multiple providers, a strong commitment to sustainability and ethics can be a differentiating factor that attracts and retains clients.

Moreover, sustainability and ethical marketing reflect a forward-thinking approach that aligns with global trends and regulatory landscapes. As governments and international bodies continue to emphasize environmental protection and social responsibility, B2B tech companies that proactively embrace these principles are positioning themselves as industry leaders and responsible global citizens.

10. Blockchain and cryptocurrency adoption

Blockchain and cryptocurrency are becoming integral parts of the B2B tech landscape. Some of the possible applications in 2024 can be focused on secure transactions to ensure trust and efficiency; smart, automated contracts to streamline processes and reduce errors; and cryptocurrency payments, to appeal to international clients by minimizing conversion fees and transaction times.

The adoption in B2B marketing of these technologies signals a shift towards more secure, transparent, and innovative business practices.

The future of B2B digital marketing in 2024

The landscape of B2B digital marketing is dynamic and ever-changing, especially in the technology sector. The trends highlighted in this article reflect a broader shift in the way B2B tech companies connect, engage, and build relationships with their clients and partners.

From the personalisation offered by AI and the immersive experiences created through AR and VR to the ethical considerations of privacy-focused marketing and sustainability, the future of B2B digital marketing is rich with opportunity and innovation.

These trends are not isolated; they intersect and complement each other, painting a picture of a future where technology, authenticity, diversity, and agility are key drivers of success. By embracing these trends, B2B tech companies can position themselves as leaders, innovators, and trusted partners in a rapidly evolving digital landscape.

Ready to harness these cutting-edge strategies for your business?

Connect with Fifty-Five and Five, specialists in B2B Technology marketing, and get a personalised quote for our innovative services. Contact us today and let's shape the future together.